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Arkansas Nursing Students' Association
Chapter Awards
Chapter of Excellence Award
This award is open to all school chapters. School chapters will be automatically entered and judged according to the criteria. Quality of the projects submitted will also be considered.
*No application required but follow instructions in booklet
$150 + plaque
Shannon Finley Disaster Preparedness Award
The purpose of the Shannon Finley Disaster Preparedness Award is to recognize local SNA chapters that have raised awareness of its disaster plans, or developed plans for individual, school, and community responses
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
Community Health Award
The purpose of the Community Health Award is to recognize local SNA chapters that provided service to their community through an event or project by providing health related services.
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
Empowering Resolutions Award
The purpose of the Empowering Resolution award is to recognize local SNA chapters who conducted an event or project that successfully implements or advances resolutions passed by the NSNA House of Delegates within the last 10 years
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
Breakthrough to Nursing Award
The purpose of the Breakthrough to Nursing Award is to encourage local SNA chapters to recruit students into their program through a project or event. Special consideration is given to events that involve groups of people who are underrepresented within the field of nursing to encourage retention.
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
Image of Nursing Award
The purpose of the Image of Nursing Award is to encourage local SNA chapters to orchestrate a public or community service event or project that positively influences the image of nursing. Media coverage may be included.
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
Most Outstanding Newsletter Award
The purpose of the Most Outstanding Newsletter Award is to recognize local SNA chapters who have demonstrated excellence in communication with their members through newsletter. The SNA chapter should additionally promote student participation, promote a positive image of nursing, and report on current issues and concerns in nursing in the Newsletter.
*General application required, see booklet
$100 + plaque
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