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Board of Directors


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Katie Henley

ASU Senior

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Gillian Campos

HU  Graduate

Katie Henley


Katie attends Arkansas State University and will graduate in December 2024 


Hi! My name is Katie Henley. I am from Star City, Arkansas. I am currently a senior in the traditional BSN program at Arkansas State University. This year I am serving as the president for Arkansas Nursing Student Association. Last year, I served on the board as secretary for ANSA and was secretary for Arkansas State Student Nurses’ Association. I am highly involved with my university. I am a part of Alpha Gamma Delta (my sorority), the Honors College, and the National Panhellenic Council, where I serve as President. These are all on-campus organizations I am involved in! I am excited to see what this upcoming year brings! This next year is going to be great! 

Matti Juarez Harris

Matti graduated from Arkansas State University in May 2025


Hey everyone! My name is Matti Juarez Harris! I’m originally from Cabot, Ar., but I’m currently a senior in the Traditional BSN program at Arkansas State University. It is such an honor to serve on this board as Vice President. My career goal is to pursue pediatric oncology possibly at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. I cannot wait for a great year! 

ANSA Sam Stiener profile
Sam Stiener

ASU Senior

Samantha Stiener


 Sam attends Arkansas State University and will graduate in May 2025


Hello! My name is Sam Stiener and I am from Jonesboro, AR where I attend Arkansas State University. I am currently a senior in the Traditional BSN program. This year, I am serving as the secretary for the Arkansas Nursing Student Association and also for the Arkansas State Student Nursing Association. When I'm not in class, I enjoy reading books and going on walks with my dog. I also serve in a leadership position for my sorority chapter. I really want to work as a nurse in the Labor and Delivery unit or the Emergency Department.

University of Arkansas at Monticello


Yanett Garcia

ASU Senior

Danelly  Orozco

Danelly attends Arkansas State University and will graduate
 in May 2025

 Hey! My name is Danelly Orozco and I am from Jonesboro, Arkansas. I am currently senior in the traditional BSN program at Arkansas State University. This year I am serving as the Treasurer for ANSA and I am the Vice President for Arkansas State Student Nurses Association. Outside of school I love to travel and spend time with family.  I am interested in working in critical care with a goal to travel in a few years. 

Katy-Beth Coleman
UAMS Graduate
Grace Bornemeier

UAMS Senior

Fernando Morales


Fernando attends Northwest Arkansas Community College and will graduate in May 2025


Hi, my name is Fernando Morales, and I’m from Northwest Arkansas. I’m currently a senior nursing student at Northwest Arkansas Community College. During my time there, I had the privilege of serving as president of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) for our chapter, which was an incredibly rewarding experience. I’m excited to be part of the ANSA board again, and I’m looking forward to working with passionate individuals who are committed to supporting and growing the nursing profession.


Kelsey Humphries

Kelsey attends Arkansas State University and will graduate December 2o26


Hi guys! My name is Kelsey Humphries! I am a junior in the BSN program at Arkansas State. I run the social media and the website for ANSA. I love to go to the beach and read a good book. When I graduate from nursing school I want to work and start obtaining my masters a few years later. I hope to be a travel nurse! I'm so excited to be apart of this amazing board!!

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Mattie Juarez Harris

ASU Senior

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Fernando Morales
NWACC Senior

Grace Bornemeier 
Grace attends University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and will graduate in May 2025

Hi everyone! My name is Grace Bornemeier and I'm a senior in the BSN program at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences pursuing my second bachelor's degree. I graduated with my first bachelor's degree, B.S. in biology, at Ouachita Baptist University in May 2023. I love children and hope to become a pediatric nurse, labor & delivery nurse, or a pediatric ER nurse. I love serving the children of Arkansas  and across the world through  medical missions. I'm very excited to be serving as Publications, Marketing, & Fundraising Director for ANSA this year and can't wait to see what this year holds!

Callie Robbins


Callie attends Arkansas State University and will graduate in December 2026

Hi my name is Callie Robbins and I’m originally from Batesville, Arkansas. I am a sophomore in the BSN program at Arkansas State University. For my school, I am the spring sophomore cohort representative and just recently I became the Pre-Nursing chair for the ANSA board! I hope to work in the ICU when I graduate and continue my education by getting my doctorate.

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Kaleigh Bagwell

UAMS Graduate

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Arivanandan Annamalai
NWACC Graduate
Danelly Orozco

ASU Senior

Kaleigh Bagwell
Kaleigh graduated from
 the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in May 2024
Hi! My name is Kaleigh Bagwell and I am your new District 1 Director! After I graduated, I took a job as a new grad RN at the Little Rock VA hospital. I hope to maybe further my career after gaining a few years of experience. I have been marrried for about 2 years and am also a dog mom. I am so excited for this year and to serve all of you!

Arivanandan Annamalai
Arivanandan attends Northwest Arkansas Community College and will graduate
 in August 2024
Hi! My name is Ari Annamalai and I am your new District 2 Director and am so excited to be serving ANSA! I am an international student from Malaysia and serve as the president on my school's SNA board and on my school's International Student Association. I also have served on student government for 2 years as VP director of communication and student representative. I am a physical therapist assistant and I love the outdoors playing soccer. I want to be an ER or ICU nurse and hope to become a travel nurse later!

Danelly Orozco

Danelly attends Arkansas State Univer
sity and will graduate in May 2025
Hey! My name is Danelly Orozco and I am from Jonesboro, Arkansas. I am currently senior in the trad
itional BSN program at Arkansas State University. This year I am serving as the District 3 Director for  ANSA and I am the Nominations and Elections Chair for Arkansas State Student Nurses Association. Outside of school I love to travel and spend time with family. Since I am bilingual, I want to use my knowledge of both English and Spanish to help others get better that might only speak one language. I am excited to see what this upcoming year is going to bring!

The District 4 Director position is currently available!

Click below to access the application. Once completed email the application, your resume, your NSNA ID membership number, a profile photo, & a letter of recommendation from an SNA advisor  to &

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Heidi Hogue
UAM Professor
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UAMS Professor

Heidi Hogue 

Mrs. Hogue teaches at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. She joined the board as a consultant in F
ebruary 2022
She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Arkansas at Monticello in 2004 and her master's degree from the University of Central Arkansas in 2011. Mrs. Hogue is a faculty member at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. She served as the Director of Wound Care at Drew Memorial Hospital in Monticello from 2009-2013.


Leah Richardson
Ph.D., RN

Dr. Richardson teaches at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. She joined the board as a consultant
in September 2023
She received her undergraduate degree from Arkansas Tech University in 1997 and Doctor of Philosophy fro
m the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Graduate School in 2018. She has nursing experience in the fields of orthopedics, surgical services, geriatrics, and community public health. Dr. Richardson is a faculty member at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Nursing and teaches in the baccalaureate program on the Little Rock campus. When not at work, Dr. Richardson enjoys spending her free time with family and friends.  


The Graduate Consultant position is currently available!

Click below to access the application. Once completed, please email the application, your resume, your NSNA ID membership number if you have one, or ARNA/ANA membership number, and a profile photo to,, and

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