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Get Involved


A position on the board is a commitment requiring devotion of time to the ANSA board and each positions assigned duties. These duties include one Saturday Board meeting each month, a strategic planning weekend retreat in January, and attendance at the ANSA (Fall) and NSNA (Spring) Conventions. A board position requires attention and is highly rewarding both personally and professionally.



Candidates must be currently enrolled in a nursing program approved by the Arkansas State Board of Nursing and must also obtain consent from their dean, director or SNA advisor to hold office.

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Preside at all meetings of this association, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee.

Be responsible for seeing that lines of direction given by the House of Delegates and the actions of the Board are carried into effect and for reporting to the membership and the Board of Directors on the status of affairs within the association.

Appoint committees and their chairpersons, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and make other appointments as necessary.

Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except on the Nominations Committee.

Perform all other duties pertaining to the office and represent this association in all matters relating to ARNA and all other professional nursing organizations.

Approve expenditures as submitted by the Treasurer and authorized by the Executive Board.

Attend yearly meetings of the state presidents or send an elected alternate.

Provide the Treasurer with any expenses incurred by the President for the ANSA conventions.



Delegates help the ANSA instigate change in nursing practice within Arkansas and across the nation. 

Delegates are also the voting body who chooses the state board each year.

Delegates are selected by each school's SNA board of directors. Each school is allowed a certain number based on the size of the chapter.



Delegates attend the state convention to represent their school. Delegates are allowed to sit in house of delegate meetings and to help decide how the Arkansas Nursing Students' Association operates. 

To be an excellent delegate, you should familiarize yourself with Robert's rules of order. This is the parliamentary procedure that our board uses to conduct meetings efficiently. But it is only efficient if you know how it works! 


Want to be a Delegate for 2023?

Delegate Registration Coming Soon!
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